Nevada State College
Transfer Courses

Course Listings for

Tuskegee University

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Tuskegee University Course Equivalent Nevada State College Course
ACAV 0105 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
ANA 0101 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANAT 0102 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANAT 0106 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANAT 0111 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANAT 0112 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANAT 0304 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ANPH 0201 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
ANPH 0202 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
APSC 0304 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ART 101 ART160 - Art Appreciation
AS RULE COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
BIOL 0111 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0112 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0120, BIOL 0121 BIOL196 - Principles of Modern Biology I
BIOL 0230 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0231 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0301 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0303 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 0309 BIOL300 - Principles of Genetics
BUS 0102 BUS101 - Introduction to Business
BUS 0331 MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr
BUSN 0331 MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr
CHEM 0221 CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 0221, CHEM 0223 CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 0223 CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 0231, CHEM 0233 CHEM121 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 0232, CHEM 0234 CHEM122 - General Chemistry II
CSCI 0100 IS101 - Intro to Information Systems
ECON 0201 ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 0202 ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ENG 101 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 0101 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 0102 ENG102 - Composition II
ENGL 0201 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
ENGL 0202 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
ENGL 0205 ENG231 - World Literature I
ENGL 0206 ENG232 - World Literature II
ENGL 0207 ENG241 - Survey of American Lit I
ENGL 0208 ENG242 - Survey of American Lit II
ENGL 0220 COM101 - Oral Communication
ENGL 0301 ENG235 - Survey of English Literature
ENGL 0331 ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective
ENGL H101 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL H102 ENG102 - Composition II
FPAR 0101 ART160 - Art Appreciation
FPAR 0110 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
FREN 0101 FREN111 - First Year French I
HIST 0103 HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective
HIST 0104 HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective
HIST 0211 HIST102 - US History Since 1877
HLSC 0301 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
HLSC 0303 NURS140 - Medical Terminology
LMED 0311 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MATH 0107 MATH126 - Pre-calculus Mathematics I
MATH 0108 MATH127 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics II
MBIO 0201 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
MBIO 0202 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
MED 0105 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MUSC 0208 MUS121 - Music Appreciation
MUSIC 102 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
NURS 0214 NURSLDELEC - Nursing LD Elective
NURS 0300 NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective
NURS 0309 NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective
NURS 0310 NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective
NURS 0311 NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective
NURS 0316 NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective
NUSC 0111 NUTRLDELEC - Nutrition LD Elective
OCTH 0311 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
OREN 0100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
OREN 0101 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PATH 0233 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PATH 0244 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PATH 0245 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PATH 0246 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHED 0117 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHED 0120 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHED 0121 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHED 0130 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0133 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0140 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0162 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0164 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0167 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0170 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHED 0181 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHED 0184 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHIL 0201 PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0202 PHIL109 - Introduction to Formal Logic
PHSI 0154 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHSI 0251 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHSI 0255 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHSI 0256 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHSI 0352 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHYED 133 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PHYED 134 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PSYC 0270 PSY101 - General Psychology
PSYC 0273 PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective
PSYC 0306 PSY210 - Intro to Statistical Methods
PSYC 0320 PSY435 - Personality
PSYC 0377 PSY201 - Lifespan Development
PSYC 0410 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSYC 0420 PSY308 - History of Psychology
PSYC 0567 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSYC 0570 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
SMED 0190 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SMED 0315 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SMED 0381 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SOCI 0240 SOC101 - Principles of Sociology
SOCI 0241 SOC102 - Contemporary Social Issues
SOCI 0306 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOCI 0440 SOC447 - Marriage and the Family
SOCI 0510 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOWK 0145 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SOWK 0357 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SOWK 0457 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SPAN 0101 SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA)
SPAN 0102 SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA)
SPAN 0201 SPAN211 - Second Year Spanish I (IA)
THOS 0126 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
THOS 0227 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
THOS 0228 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
THOS 0361 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit