Sierra College Course | Equivalent Nevada State College Course |
ADMJ 0052 | CRJLDELEC - Criminal Justice LD Elective |
ADMJ 0054 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
ADMJ 0058 | CRJLDELEC - Criminal Justice LD Elective |
ADMJ 0072 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
ADMJUS 050 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
ALH 0020 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
ANTH 0002 | ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 0009 | ANTHLDELEC - Anthropology LD Elective |
ANTHRO 001 | ANTH102 - Intro to Physical Anthropology |
ANTHRO 001L | ANTHLDELEC - Anthropology LD Elective |
ANTHRO 002 | ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
ANTHRO 005 | ANTH400 - Field School in Arch (IA) |
ANTHRO 009 | ANTHLDELEC - Anthropology LD Elective |
ART 0004a | ART101 - Drawing I |
ART 0010 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
ART 004A | ART101 - Drawing I |
ART 005A | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
ART 010 | ART160 - Art Appreciation |
ART 020 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
ART 022 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
ASTR 0002 | ASTLDELEC - Astronomy LD Elective |
ASTRON 010 | ASTLDELEC - Astronomy LD Elective |
ASTRON 011 | AST105 - Intro Astro: Stars/Galaxy Lab |
BIO SCI 014 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0001 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0004 | BIOL251 - General Microbiology |
BIOL 0005 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0005, BIOL 0006 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0005, BIOL 0006 | BIOL223L - Human A & P I Lab |
BIOL 0005, BIOL 0006 | BIOL223A - Human A & P I Lecture |
BIOL 0005, BIOL 0006 | BIOL224L - Human A & P II Lab |
BIOL 0005, BIOL 0006 | BIOL224A - Human A & P II Lecture |
BIOL 0006 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0007A | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0007B | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 0008A | BIOL251 - General Microbiology |
BIOL 0055 | BIOL223 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I |
BIOSCI 001 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOSCI 004 | BIOL251 - General Microbiology |
BIOSCI 005 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOSCI 005, BIOSCI 006 | BIOL223 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I |
BIOSCI 005, BIOSCI 006 | BIOL224 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOSCI 010 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOSCI 011 | BIOL101 - Biology for Non-Majors |
BIOSCI 033 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOSCI 055 | BIOL223 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I |
BUS 001 | ACC201 - Financial Accounting |
BUS 020 | BUS101 - Introduction to Business |
BUSINESS 002 | ACC201 - Financial Accounting |
BUSINESS 003 | ACC202 - Managerial Accounting |
BUSINESS 009 | BUSLDELEC - Business LD Elective |
BUSINESS 020 | BUS101 - Introduction to Business |
C.I.S. 050 | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
CHEM 0000A | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
CHEM 0002A | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CHEM 0002B | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CHEM 0002X | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CHEM 001A | CHEM121 - General Chemistry I |
CHEM 001B | CHEM122 - General Chemistry II |
CHEM 002A | CHEM110 - Chem for Hlth Sciences I (IA) |
CHEM 002B | CHEM111 - Chem for Hlth Sciences II (IA) |
CHEM 002X | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CHEM 003A | CHEM121 - General Chemistry I |
CHEM 003B | CHEM122 - General Chemistry II |
CHEM 003X | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CIS RULE | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
COMM 0001 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
COMM 0003 | COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective |
COMM 001 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
COMM 0015 | COM218 - Survey of Mass Communication |
COMM.ST. 003 | COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective |
COMMST 001 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
COMMST 005 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
COMMST 008 | COM102 - Intro to Interpersonal Comm |
COMMST 010 | COM216 - Survey of Comm Studies |
COMMST 012 | COM220 - Visual Communication |
CS 010 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
CS 017 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
CS 036 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
CS 050 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
CS 062 | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
CS 063 | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
DFST 0001 | AM145 - American Sign Language I |
DFST 001 | AM145 - American Sign Language I |
DRAMA 013 | THTR100 - Introduction to the Theatre |
DT 011 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
ECON 001A | ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
ENGL 0000a | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
ENGL 0001a | ENG101 - Composition I |
ENGL 0001B | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGL 0001C | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGL 0021 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
ENGL 0030A | ENG241 - Survey of American Lit I |
ENGLISH 000A | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
ENGLISH 001A | ENG101 - Composition I |
ENGLISH 001B | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGLISH 001C | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGLISH 019 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
ENGLISH 021 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
FIRE 0001 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FIRE 0004 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FIRE 0005 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FIRE 0010 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FIRE 003 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FIRE 0050 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
FRENCH 001 | FREN111 - First Year French I |
GEOG 001 | GEOG103 - Geography of World Env (IA) |
GEOG 015 | GEOGLDELEC - Geography LD Elective |
GEOLOGY 001 | GEOL100 - Erthqk, Vlcno & Nat D (IA) |
GEOLOGY 001, GEOLOGY 001L | GEOL101 - Explrng Planet Earth |
HDEV 0001 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
HED 001 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
HED 002 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HIST 0017A | HIST101 - US History to 1877 |
HIST 0017B | HIST102 - US History Since 1877 |
HIST 017A | HIST101 - US History to 1877 |
HIST 017B | HIST102 - US History Since 1877 |
HISTORY 004A | HIST105 - European Civilization to 1648 |
HISTORY 004B | HIST106 - European Civ since 1648 |
HISTORY 017A | HIST101 - US History to 1877 |
HISTORY 017B | HIST102 - US History Since 1877 |
HISTORY 027 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HISTORY 051 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HSCI 0002 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
HSCI 0003 | NURS140 - Medical Terminology |
HSCI 002 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
HSCI 003 | NURS122 - Medical Terminology |
HSCI 0600 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
HUM 0002 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HUM 001 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
HUM 010 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HUM DEV 001 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HUM DEV 021 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
HUM.DEV. 001 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
HUMDEV 001 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
HUMDEV 021 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
INT 001 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
JRNL 0020A | JOURLDELEC - Journalism LD Elective |
MATH 0000A | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 0000B | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 0000D | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 0008 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 000A | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 000B | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 000D | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 0012 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MATH 0013 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 0018 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 0030 | MATH181 - Calculus I |
MATH 012 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MATH 013 | ECON261 - Principles of Statistics I |
MATH 015 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 020 | MATH132 - Finite Mathematics (IA) |
MATH 030 | MATH181 - Calculus I |
MATH 042 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MKT 030 | MKTLDELEC - Marketing LD Elective |
MUSIC 003A | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MUSIC 0046 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MUSIC 004A | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MUSIC 006A | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
NR 010 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
NR 012 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
NRSA 0003 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
NRSR 0015 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
NRSR 0019 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
NUT FD 010 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
NUT./FD. 004 | NUTRLDELEC - Nutrition LD Elective |
NUT/FD 010 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
NUTF 0010 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
NUTFD 003 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
NUTFD 010 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
P.E. 013 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
P.E. 073 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
P.E. 093 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PD 091 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PDEV 0006 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 003 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 004 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 006 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 007 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 008 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 009 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 012 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 015 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 016 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 019 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 026 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 027 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 039 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 054 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 066 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 073 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 089A | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 101 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 102 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 104 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 106 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 107 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 109 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 110 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 123 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 142 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 143 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 162 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE 56A | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PHED 0016 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PHIL 0002 | PHIL135 - Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL 0004 | PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning |
PHIL 0006 | PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 0012 | PHILLDELEC - Philosophy LD Elective |
PHIL 002 | PHIL135 - Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL 004 | PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning |
PHIL 006 | PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PHOT 0060A | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
PHYSICS 002A | PHYS151 - General Physics I |
PHYSICS 002B | PHYS152 - General Physics II |
PHYSICS 010 | PHYSLDELEC - Physics LD Elective |
POL SCI 001 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
POLSCI 001 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
POLSCI 002 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
POLSCI 003 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PSYC 0001 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PSYC 0100 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PSYCH 001 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PSYCH 002 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 004 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 008 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 030 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
SKDV 0801 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
SKL.DEV. 021A | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
SOC 0001 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SOC 001 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SOC 002 | SOC102 - Contemporary Social Issues |
SOC 004 | SOC275 - Intro to Marriage & Fam (IA) |
SOC.SCI. 010 | ETS101 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies |
SOCSCI 013 | SOCLDELEC - Sociology LD Elective |
SPAN 0001 | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |
SPAN 0002 | SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA) |
SPANISH 001 | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |
SPANISH 002 | SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA) |
SPEECH 001A | COM101 - Oral Communication |
SSCI 0050 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
THEA 0013 | THTR100 - Introduction to the Theatre |