Regis University Course | Equivalent Nevada State College Course |
BA 230 | BUSLDELEC - Business LD Elective |
BA 335 | BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective |
BA 366 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
BA 381 | BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective |
BA 410 | BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective |
BA 420 | MKT301 - Marketing Management |
BA 430 | FIN301 - Prin Managerial Finance |
BA 452 | MGT367 - Human Resource Management |
BA 495E | BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective |
CJ 456 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
COM 210 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
COM 400 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
COM 404 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
COM 441 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
COM 486 | COM485 - Mass Media and Society |
CR 350 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
CR 383 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
CR 425 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
CR 427 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
CR 429 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
CR 473 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
EC 200 | ECONLDELEC - Economics LD Elective |
EC 201 | ECONLDELEC - Economics LD Elective |
EC 320 | ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
EC 440 | ECON365 - Labor and the Economy |
ED 200 | EDELLDELEC - Elem Education LD Elective |
ED 201 | EDU250 - Foundations of Education |
ED 203 | EDUCLDELEC - Education LD Elective |
ED 204 | EDULDELEC - Education LD Elective |
ED 205 | EDULDELEC - Education LD Elective |
ED 302 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
ED 404 | EDELUDELEC - Elem Education UD Elective |
ED 418A | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
ED 447 | EDRLUDELEC - Reading Education UD Elective |
EDF 311E | MATH181 - Calculus I |
EDFD 403 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDFD 411H | ENG411B - Principles of Modern Grammar |
EDFD 420 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDFD 431 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
EDFD 470 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDSP 464 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDSP 467 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 401 | EDU214 - Preparing Teachers to Use Tech |
EDU 408 | EDU210 - Nevada School Law |
EDU 410 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 411 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 412 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 420 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 421 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 425 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 435A | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 440 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 445 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 450 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 455 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 460 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EDU 464 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
EDU 465 | EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective |
EN 200 | ENG101 - Composition I |
EN 203 | ENG102 - Composition II |
EN 210t | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
EN 315 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
EN 325 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
EN475 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
GIS 416E | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
GIS 422E | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
GIS 422F | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
GIS 422G | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
GIS 446E | MATH427 - Differential Equations |
HS 240N | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HS 253 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HS 428 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HS 465 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HS 487I | CH203 - US Exprnc & Cnstnl Chng |
HU 205 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HU 405 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HU 435E | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HU 483 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
MKT 325 | MKTUDELEC - Marketing UD Elective |
MT 201 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MT 204 | MATH132 - Finite Mathematics (IA) |
MT 205 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MT 231 | MATH128 - Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry |
MT 270 | STATLDELEC - Statistics LD Elective |
MT 320 | MATH381 - Methods of Discrete Math |
MT 360A | MATH181 - Calculus I |
MT 360B | MATH182 - Calculus II |
NR 415 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 416 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 417 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 418 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 436 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 439 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
NR 441 | NURSUDELEC - Nursing UD Elective |
PC 231A | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PC 231B | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PC 240 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PC 241 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PE 333 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PL 225 | PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning |
PL 250 | PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PL 270C | PHILLDELEC - Philosophy LD Elective |
PL 370E | PHILUDELEC - Philosophy UD Elective |
PL 385 | PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning |
PS 205 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
PS 215 | PSC210 - American Public Policy |
PS 231 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
PS 364 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 401 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 403 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 413 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 421 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 439 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PS 482 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PY 250 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PY 383 | PSY240 - Intro to Research Methods |
PY 426 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 427 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 429 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 430 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 431 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 440 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 441 | PSY360 - Foundations of Social Psy |
PY 444 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 454 | PSY416 - Cognitive Psychology |
PY 469 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
PY 470 | PSY435 - Personality |
PY 471 | PSY432 - Abnormal Psychology (IA) |
PY 481 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PY 496h | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
RC 220A | PHILLDELEC - Philosophy LD Elective |
RC 220B | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RC 400B | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RC 405 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RC 415 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
RC 470E | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RC 471 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RCC 200 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
RS 200 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RS 300 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RS 301F | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RS 306 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
RS 493 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
SCI 205E | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
SO 200 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SO 203 | SOC102 - Contemporary Social Issues |
SO 204 | ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
SO 424 | SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective |
SO 435 | SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective |
SO 472 | SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective |
SO 475 | SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective |
SP 205A | SPANLDELEC - Spanish LD Elective |
SP 209A | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |
SP 209B | SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA) |
SP 409 | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |
SP 410 | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |