University of North Georgia Course
Equivalent Nevada State College Course
ARSX 1100
ART160 - Art Appreciation
CINE 1502
FILM100 - Introduction to Film
ECON 2105
ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ENGL 1101
ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 1102
ENG102 - Composition II
HIST 2111
HIST101 - US History to 1877
HIST 2112
HIST102 - US History Since 1877
MATH 0097
TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
MATH 0099
MATH96 - Intermediate Algebra (IA)
MATH 1111
MATH124 - College Algebra
MUSC 1100
MUS121 - Music Appreciation
PSYC 1101
PSY101 - General Psychology
SOCI 1101
SOC101 - Principles of Sociology