Park University Course | Equivalent Nevada State College Course |
AC 201 | ACC201 - Financial Accounting |
AC 202 | ACC202 - Managerial Accounting |
AR 115 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
BA 110 | BUS101 - Introduction to Business |
BI 101 | BIOL101 - Biology for Non-Majors |
BI 106 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BI 214 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
CA 103 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
CA 105 | COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective |
CA 224 | COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective |
CA 241 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
CA 302 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
CA 322 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
CA 348 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
CA 382 | COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective |
CJ 100 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
CJ 205 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
CS 140 | IS101 - Intro to Information Systems |
CS 150 | IS101 - Intro to Information Systems |
CS 151 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
CS 219 | CSLDELEC - Computer Science LD Elective |
EC 141 | ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
EC 142 | ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics |
EC 301 | ECONUDELEC - Economics UD Elective |
EC 315 | ECONLDELEC - Economics LD Elective |
ED 203 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
ED 222 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
ED 317 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
ED 330 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
ED 342 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
EN 101 | ENG101 - Composition I |
EN 105 | ENG101 - Composition I |
EN 106 | ENG102 - Composition II |
EN 306B | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
EN 325 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
FI 360 | FIN301 - Prin Managerial Finance |
FI 363 | FINUDELEC - Finance UD Elective |
HR 353 | MGT367 - Human Resource Management |
HR 357 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HR 421 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HR 422 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
HR 434 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HR 491 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HU 211 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
IS 216 | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
LE 300 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
LS 211 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
MA 105 | MATH120 - Fund of College Mathematics |
MA 120 | STAT152 - Intro to Statistics |
MA 125 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MA 131 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MA 135 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MA 141 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MG 101 | MGTLDELEC - Management LD Elective |
MG 260 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MG 352 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MG 352, 365 | MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr |
MG 365 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MG 420 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MG 495 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MK 351 | MKT210 - Marketing Principles |
PK 115 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
PS 101 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PS 121 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
PS 222 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PS 309 | PSY466 - Psychology of Sex |
SO 141 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SO 302 | SOC447 - Marriage and the Family |
SOC 141 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SS 100 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |