Nevada State College
Transfer Courses

Course Listings for

California State University Long Beach

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California State University Long Beach Course Equivalent Nevada State College Course
A/ST 300I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ACCT 201 ACC201 - Financial Accounting
ACCT 310 ACC202 - Managerial Accounting
AFRS 100 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
AFRS 150 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
AH 111A ART260 - Survey of Art History I
AIS 100 HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective
ANTH 120 ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 412I ANTHUDELEC - Anthropology UD Elective
AP 107 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
AP 202 BIOL223 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
AP 207 BIOL224 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
ART 100 ART101 - Drawing I
ART 110 ART160 - Art Appreciation
ART 112A TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
ART 112B TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
ART 141 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
ASAM 319 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ASAM 370 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ASLD 101 AM145 - American Sign Language I
ASTR 3701 ASTUDELEC - Astronomy UD Elective
B/ST 100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
B/ST 115 PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective
B/ST 160 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
B/ST 363 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
B/ST 490 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
BIOL 100 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 102 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 111 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 111, BIOL 111L BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 111L BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 200 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 202 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 207 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 207, BIOL 208 BIOL223L - Human A & P I Lab
BIOL 207, BIOL 208 BIOL223A - Human A & P I Lecture
BIOL 207, BIOL 208 BIOL224L - Human A & P II Lab
BIOL 207, BIOL 208 BIOL224A - Human A & P II Lecture
BIOL 208 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 210A BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 210B BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 211A BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 211B BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 212 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 212, BIOL 212L BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 212L BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 213 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 260 BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective
BIOL 304 NURS337 - Pathophysiology
BIOL 312 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 316 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 328 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 340 BIOL405 - Molecular Biology
BIOL 342 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 342L BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 345 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 345, 345L BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 350 BIOL341 - Principles of Ecology (IA)
BIOL 370 BIOL300 - Principles of Genetics
BIOL 421 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 433 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 439 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 443 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
BIOL 496 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
BLAW 320 BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective
BST 310 ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective
BST 345 ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective
C E 130 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
C/LT 232 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CAFF 223 FINLDELEC - Finance LD Elective
CBA 300 BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective
CDFS 211 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CE 205 PHYSLDELEC - Physics LD Elective
CHEM 101 CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 111A CHEM121 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 111B CHEM122 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 131B CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 140 CHEM110 - Chem for Hlth Sciences I (IA)
CHEM 202 CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective
CHEM 302 CHEM111 - Chem for Hlth Sciences II (IA)
CHEM 320A CHEM241 - Organic Chemistry I (IA)
CHEM 320B CHEM242 - Organic Chemistry II (IA)
CHEM 321A CHEM241 - Organic Chemistry I (IA)
CHEM 322a CHEMUDELEC - Chemistry UD Elective
CHEM 322A, CHEM 323A CHEM241 - Organic Chemistry I (IA)
CHEM 322B, CHEM 323B CHEM242 - Organic Chemistry II (IA)
CHEM 441A CHEM474 - Biochemistry I
CHEM 441B CHEM475 - Biochemistry II
CHEM 448 CHEMUDELEC - Chemistry UD Elective
CHLS 150 ENG292 - Intro to Chicano Literature
CHLS 350 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CLA 195 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CLA 230 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CLSC 101 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CLSC 300I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CLT 100 ENG231 - World Literature I
COMM 110 COM102 - Intro to Interpersonal Comm
COMM 130 COM101 - Oral Communication
COMM 131 COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
COMM 131, COMM 131W COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
COMM 132 COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
COMM 220 COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
COMM 300 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 301 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 306 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 307 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 309 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 330 COM412 - Intercultural Communication
COMM 336 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 338 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 410 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 412 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 415 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 420 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COMM 439 COMUDELEC - Communications UD Elective
COUN 191 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
CRIM 101 CRJLDELEC - Criminal Justice LD Elective
CRIM 301 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 303 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 331 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 351 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 404 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 421 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 468 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 470 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 480 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 483 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 494 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 495 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRIM 499 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CRJU 101 CRJLDELEC - Criminal Justice LD Elective
CRJU 408 CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective
CWL 100 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
CWL 132 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
CWL 161 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
DANC 103 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 110 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 111 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 113 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 113A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 114A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 115 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 120 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 247 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
DANC 373i TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ECON 100 ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 101 ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 201 ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202 ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 300 ECONUDELEC - Economics UD Elective
EDEL 100 EDELLDELEC - Elem Education LD Elective
EDEL 200 EDULDELEC - Education LD Elective
EDP 191 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
EDP 301 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
EDP 305 PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc
EDSE 435 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSE 436 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSE 457 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSP 350 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSP 454 EDSPUDELEC - Special Education UD Elective
EDSS 300C EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSS 450C EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSS 472A EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSS 472B EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSS 472C EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
EDSS 473C EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
ENGL 001 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
ENGL 100 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 100B ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
ENGL 100W ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 101 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 102 ENG102 - Composition II
ENGL 180 ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective
ENGL 184 ENG101 - Composition I
ENGL 1E TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
ENGL 206 ENG205 - Intro Crtv Wrtng/Fctn/Ptry
ENGL 250A ENG235 - Survey of English Literature
ENGL 250B ENG236 - Survey of English Lit II
ENGL 363 ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective
ENGL 386 ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective
ENGL 474 ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective
ENGL 481 ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective
ENGR 101 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ENGR 302I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ENGR 370 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ENGR 370I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
EOP 100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
FCS 132 NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition
FCS 232 NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition
FCS 312 I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
FEA 200 THTRLDELEC - Theatre LD Elective
FEA 240 FISLDELEC - Film Studies LD Elective
FEA 302 FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FEA 303 FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FEA 305 FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FEA 314 FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FEA 380 FIS444 - Doc Film & Video (IA)
FEA 392C FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FEA 401 FILM400 - Film Theory
FEA 430 FISUDELEC - Film Studies UD Elective
FIN 220 BLWLDELEC - Business Law LD Elective
FIN 309I FINUDELEC - Finance UD Elective
FREN 101A FREN111 - First Year French I
FREN 101B FREN112 - First Year French II
FREN 201 FREN211 - Second Year French I
FREN 201A FREN211 - Second Year French I
FREN 201B FREN212 - Second Year French II
FREN 214 FRENLDELEC - French LD Elective
FREN 312A FRENUDELEC - French UD Elective
GEOG 100 GEOGLDELEC - Geography LD Elective
GEOG 120 GEOGLDELEC - Geography LD Elective
GEOG 315I GEOGUDELEC - Geography UD Elective
GEOG 470 GEOGUDELEC - Geography UD Elective
GEOL 102 GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 103, geol 104 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
GEOL 106 GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 110 GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 160 GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 160, 160L GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 160L GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GEOL 240 GEOL102 - Erth & Life Thru Time (IA)
GEOL 250 GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective
GERM 480 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
GERN 400I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
HDEV 307#, HDEV 357# PSY334 - Dev Psych: Adoles & Adult
HDEV 307#, HDEV 357# PSY330 - Dev. Psych: Inf & Child
HDEV 307#, HDEV 357# PSY442 - Psychology of Aging
HHS 374 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
HIST 101 HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective
HIST 131 HIST105 - European Civilization to 1648
HIST 172 HIST101 - US History to 1877
HIST 173 HIST102 - US History Since 1877
HIST 383B HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective
HRM 361 MGT367 - Human Resource Management
HSC 150 NURS111 - Medical Terminology (IA)
HSC 251 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
HSC 400 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
HSC 411B EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
HSC 420I HEUDELEC - Health Ecology UD Elective
HSC 425I HEUDELEC - Health Ecology UD Elective
I/ST 200 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
I/ST 317I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
I/ST 318I SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
I/ST 490 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
I/ST 492 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
ILE 010 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
IS 233 ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective
IS 300 IS301 - Management Information Systems
IS 310 ECON261 - Principles of Statistics I
ITAL 101A ITAL111 - First Year Italian I
ITAL 101B ITAL112 - First Year Italian II
ITAL 201A ITAL211 - Second Year Italian I
ITAL 201B ITAL212 - Second Year Italian II
ITAL 454 ITALUDELEC - Italian UD Elective
JOUR 110 COM218 - Survey of Mass Communication
KIN 100A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 114A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 114b TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 142 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 146A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 149A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 152A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 172a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 172b TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 183A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 185 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 188 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 210 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 217 KINLDELEC - Kinesiology LD Elective
KIN 244 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 250 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 257 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 263 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 300 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 301 KIN491 - Exercise Physiology
KIN 309 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 312 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 315 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 320 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 335 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 338I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 339I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KIN 427 KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KIN 489F KINUDELEC - Kinesiology UD Elective
KPE 100A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 108A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 112A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 121A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 142 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 146A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 148A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 149a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 151A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 161A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 171a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 210 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 237 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 253 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 257 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 261 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 265 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 267 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 270 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 301 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 335 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 339l TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 343 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 370 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 460 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
KPE 475 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 101B TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 172 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 205 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 272 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 305 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 322 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 371 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAE 373 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
MAPB 7 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
MATH 001 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
MATH 010 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
MATH 1 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
MATH 10 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
MATH 101 MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective
MATH 109 MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective
MATH 110 MATH122 - Nmbr Cncpts for Elem Scl Tchrs
MATH 112 MATH124 - College Algebra
MATH 114 MATH132 - Finite Mathematics (IA)
MATH 117 MATH128 - Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry
MATH 119A MATH181 - Calculus I
MATH 119B MATH182 - Calculus II
MATH 122 MATH181 - Calculus I
MATH 123 MATH182 - Calculus II
MATH 224 MATH283 - Calculus III
MATH 370A MATHUDELEC - Mathematics UD Elective
MATH 380 STAT391 - Applied Stats Bio Science
MGMT 300 SCM352 - Operations Management
MGMT 300 MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr
MGMT 421 BUS497 - New Venture Crtn/Strat (IA)
MGMT 426 IS301 - Management Information Systems
MGMT 497 MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective
MICR 200 BIOL251 - General Microbiology
MICR 211 BIOL251 - General Microbiology
MICR 320 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MICR 322 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MICR 430 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MICR 430L BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MICR 473 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MICR 496 BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective
MKTG 300 MKT301 - Marketing Management
MKTG 410 MKTUDELEC - Marketing UD Elective
MKTG 494 MKT301 - Marketing Management
MS 301 MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 302 MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 401 MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 401L MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 402 MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 402L MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MS 497 MILUDELEC - Military Science UD Elective
MTED 110 MATH122 - Nmbr Cncpts for Elem Scl Tchrs
MTED 211 MATH123 - Stat & Gmtrcl Cncpts Elem Tchr
MUS 180 MUSLDELEC - Music LD Elective
MUS 300D MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective
MUS 327 MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective
MUS 393 MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective
MUS 417 MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective
MUS 468I MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective
NUTR 132 NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition
PE 146A TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PED 102a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 104A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 108A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 114B TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 126a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 151A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 152a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 161a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 165a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 167A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 169a TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 210 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 215 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 232 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 263 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 275 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 300 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 301 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 307 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 312 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 315 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 320 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 350 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 380 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 381 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PED 450 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHIL 100 PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 160 PHIL135 - Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 170 PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning
PHSC 112 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PHYS 100A PHYS151 - General Physics I
PHYS 100B PHYS152 - General Physics II
PHYS 104 PHYS151 - General Physics I
PHYS 151 PHYSLDELEC - Physics LD Elective
PHYS 152 PHYSLDELEC - Physics LD Elective
POSC 100 PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective
POSC 371 PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective
PROF 417I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
PSY 100 PSY101 - General Psychology
PSY 110 PSY210 - Intro to Statistical Methods
PSY 130 PHIL102 - Critical Thinking & Reasoning
PSY 141 PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective
PSY 150 PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective
PSY 200 PSY240 - Intro to Research Methods
PSY 241 PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective
PSY 278 PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective
PSY 300I PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 301 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 314 PSY481 - Prin of Psychological Assssmnt
PSY 331 PSY305 - Foundations of Perception
PSY 332 PSY416 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 336 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 341 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 343 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 346I PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 350I PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 351 PSY360 - Foundations of Social Psy
PSY 356 PSY435 - Personality
PSY 357 PSY466 - Psychology of Sex
PSY 361 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 370 PSY432 - Abnormal Psychology (IA)
PSY 370# PSY441R - Abnormal Psychology (IA)
PSY 457 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 477 PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective
PSY 501 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
PSYCH 1 PSY101 - General Psychology
PT 374 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
R ST 331 I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
R/ST 100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
R/ST 302 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
R/ST 302I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RST 100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RST 302I TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RUSS 101A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RUSS 101B TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RUSS 399 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RUSS 410I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
RUSS 428 TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
S/I 060 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
S/I 60 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
SAR 262 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
SCED 403 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
SCED 404 EDUUDELEC - Education UD Elective
SI 60 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
SOC 100 SOC101 - Principles of Sociology
SOC 142 SOC102 - Contemporary Social Issues
SOC 200 SOC403 - Techniques of Social Research
SOC 250 SOC210 - Intro Statistical Mthds (IA)
SOC 255 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
SOC 260 SOCLDELEC - Sociology LD Elective
SOC 320 SOC447 - Marriage and the Family
SOC 325 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
SOC 335 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
SOC 335I PSY360 - Foundations of Social Psy
SOC 345 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 346 SOC471 - Race/Ethnic Relations in Ameri
SOC 350 TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course
SOC 355 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 356 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 357 SOC422 - Mdrn Sociological Theory (IA)
SOC 420 SOC342 - Social Stratification
SOC 426 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 427 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 495 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SOC 499 SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective
SPAN 101A SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA)
SPAN 101B SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA)
SPAN 201A SPAN211 - Second Year Spanish I (IA)
SPAN 201B SPAN212 - Second Year Spanish II (IA)
SPCH 130 COM101 - Oral Communication
SPCH 210 COM102 - Intro to Interpersonal Comm
SPCH 210W COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective
SPCH 246 COM102 - Intro to Interpersonal Comm
STAT 108 STATLDELEC - Statistics LD Elective
STAT 90 TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits
TGLG 101 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
THEA 113 THTRLDELEC - Theatre LD Elective
THEA 122 THTR100 - Introduction to the Theatre
THEA 124 THTRLDELEC - Theatre LD Elective
THEA 452 THTRUDELEC - Theatre UD Elective
THEA 498P THTRUDELEC - Theatre UD Elective
UNIV 100 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
UNIV 100A TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
UNIV 100D TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
UNIV 100H TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
UNIV 100P TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
W ST 307 I WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective
W ST 316 FILM470 - Women in Film
W/ST 318I TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit
WPE 010 TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit
WST 307I WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective
WST 365I WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective