Washington State University Course | Equivalent Nevada State College Course |
ACC 251 | ACC201 - Financial Accounting |
ACCTG 230 | ACC201 - Financial Accounting |
ACCTG 231 | ACC202 - Managerial Accounting |
ACCTG 330 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 331 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 335 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 338 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 433 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 438 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ACCTG 439 | ACCUDELEC - Accounting UD Elective |
ANT 101 | ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 201 | ANTHLDELEC - Anthropology LD Elective |
ANTH 203 | ANTH101 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 230 | ANTH105 - Intro to World Archaeology |
ANTH 260 | ANTH102 - Intro to Physical Anthropology |
ANTH 316 | ANTHUDELEC - Anthropology UD Elective |
ANTH 350 | ANTHUDELEC - Anthropology UD Elective |
ANTH 404 | ANTHUDELEC - Anthropology UD Elective |
ANTH 468 | ANTHUDELEC - Anthropology UD Elective |
ASTRONOM 135 | ASTLDELEC - Astronomy LD Elective |
ATH T 266 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
ATH T 267 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
ATHT 311 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
BIO 102 | BIOL189 - Fundamentals of Life Science |
BIO 103 | BIOL196 - Principles of Modern Biology I |
BIO 104 | BIOL197 - Prin of Modern Biology II |
BIOL 101 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 102 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 103 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 104 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 106 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 107 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOL 301 | BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective |
BIOL 330 | BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective |
BIOL 372 | BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective |
BIOL 405 | BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective |
BIOLOGY 102 | BIOL189L - Fund of Life Science Lab |
BIOLOGY 102 | BIOL189A - Fund of Life Science Lecture |
BIOLOGY 106 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOLOGY 107 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOLOGY 140 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
BIOLOGY 251 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOLOGY 315 | BIOLUDELEC - Biology UD Elective |
BIOS 101 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOS 102 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOS 103 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOS 104 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BIOS 105 | BIOLLDELEC - Biology LD Elective |
BLAW 210 | BUSLDELEC - Business LD Elective |
CAC 101 | CHLDELEC - Core Humanities LD Elective |
CAC 201 | CHLDELEC - Core Humanities LD Elective |
CES 101 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
CES 131 | ETSLDELEC - Ethnic Studies LD Elective |
CES 151 | ETSLDELEC - Ethnic Studies LD Elective |
CES 235 | ETSLDELEC - Ethnic Studies LD Elective |
CES 300 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CES 335 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CES 338 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CES 379 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CES 413 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CES 440 | ETSUDELEC - Ethnic Studies UD Elective |
CHEM 101 | CHEM110 - Chem for Hlth Sciences I (IA) |
CHEM 102 | CHEM108 - Intro to Chem |
CHEM 105 | CHEM121 - General Chemistry I |
CHEM 106 | CHEM122 - General Chemistry II |
CHEM 115 | CHEM121 - General Chemistry I |
CHEM 116 | CHEM122 - General Chemistry II |
CHEM 191 | CHEMLDELEC - Chemistry LD Elective |
CHEM 240 | CHEM220 - Intro Organic Chemistry (IA) |
CHEM 340, CHEM 341 | CHEM241 - Organic Chemistry I (IA) |
CHEM 342, CHEM 343 | CHEM242 - Organic Chemistry II (IA) |
CHEM 345 | CHEM241 - Organic Chemistry I (IA) |
COM 102 | COMLDELEC - Communications LD Elective |
COMST 102 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
CPTS 121 | CS135 - Computer Science I |
CPTS 122 | CS202 - Computer Science II |
CPTS 405 | CSUDELEC - Computer Science UD Elective |
CPTS 499 | CSUDELEC - Computer Science UD Elective |
CRM J 101 | CRJ104 - Intro to Admin Justice |
CRM_J 101 | CRJ104 - Intro to Admin Justice |
CRM_J 403 | CRJUDELEC - Criminal Justice UD Elective |
DECS 340 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
ECO 200 | ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 101 | ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 102 | ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 301 | ECONUDELEC - Economics UD Elective |
ECONS 101 | ECON102 - Principles of Microeconomics |
ECONS 102 | ECON103 - Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECONS 323 | ECON365 - Labor and the Economy |
EDABRD 900 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
EDABRD 901 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
EDABRD 902 | STATLDELEC - Statistics LD Elective |
EDABRD 903 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
EDABRD 915 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
EDABRD 916 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
EDABRD 917 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
EDPSY 301 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
ENGL 101 | ENG101 - Composition I |
ENGL 201 | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGL 301 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
ENGL 402 | ENG407A - Fund of Business Writing |
ENGLISH 101 | ENG101 - Composition I |
ENGLISH 102 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
ENGLISH 108 | ENGLDELEC - English LD Elective |
ENGLISH 201 | ENG102 - Composition II |
ENGLISH 301 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
ENGLISH 387 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
ENGLISH 402 | ENGUDELEC - English UD Elective |
ENTOM 102 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
ENVS 101 | ENV101 - Intro to Environmental Science |
EXSCI 364 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
FA 110 | ART101 - Drawing I |
FIN 325 | FIN301 - Prin Managerial Finance |
FINE_ART 110 | ART101 - Drawing I |
FINEART 101 | ARTLDELEC - Art LD Elective |
FINEART 110 | ART101 - Drawing I |
FRENCH 420 | FRENUDELEC - French UD Elective |
FSHN 130 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
FSHN 233 | NUTR223 - Principles of Nutrition |
GENCB 301 | BIOL300 - Principles of Genetics |
GENED 110 | HIST105 - European Civilization to 1648 |
GENED 111 | HIST106 - European Civ since 1648 |
GEOLOGY 101 | GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective |
GEOLOGY 210 | GEOLLDELEC - Geology LD Elective |
GEOLOGY 390 | GEOLUDELEC - Geology UD Elective |
H_D 205 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 131 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 158 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 181 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
HBM 182 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 280 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 320 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 350 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 381 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 491 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 494 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HBM 495 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 101 | PSY201 - Lifespan Development |
HD 201 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 204 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
HD 300 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 302 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 320 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 350 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 360 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HD 406 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HF 263 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
HIST 110 | HIST101 - US History to 1877 |
HIST 111 | HIST102 - US History Since 1877 |
HIST 275 | HIST211 - History of East Asia I |
HISTORY 105 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HISTORY 110 | HIST101 - US History to 1877 |
HISTORY 111 | HIST102 - US History Since 1877 |
HISTORY 150 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HISTORY 298 | HISTLDELEC - History LD Elective |
HISTORY 331 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 341 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 414 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 416 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 418 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 419 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 422 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HISTORY 468 | HISTUDELEC - History UD Elective |
HONORS 270 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
IBUS 380 | BUSUDELEC - Business UD Elective |
IBUS 453 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MATH 101 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MATH 103 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 105 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 106 | MATH124 - College Algebra |
MATH 107 | MATH126 - Pre-calculus Mathematics I |
MATH 108 | MATHLDELEC - Mathematics LD Elective |
MATH 140 | MATH181 - Calculus I |
MATH 171 | MATH181 - Calculus I |
MATH 172 | MATH182 - Calculus II |
MATH 182 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MATH 201 | MATH132 - Finite Mathematics (IA) |
MATH 205 | STATLDELEC - Statistics LD Elective |
MATH 210 | MATH120 - Fund of College Mathematics |
MATH 212 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MBIOS 101 | BIOL251L - Gen Microbiology Lab |
MBIOS 101 | BIOL251A - Gen Microbiology Lecture |
MBIOS 303 | CHEM474 - Biochemistry I |
MGMT 301 | MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr |
MGMT 401 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MGMT 450 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MGMT 485 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MGT 101 | BUS101 - Introduction to Business |
MGT 301 | MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr |
MGT 326 | MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr |
MGT 491 | MGTUDELEC - Management UD Elective |
MGTOP 101 | BUS101 - Introduction to Business |
MGTOP 215 | BUSLDELEC - Business LD Elective |
MGTOP 301 | MGT301 - Prin of Mgt & Org Bhvr |
MGTOP 450 | MGT367 - Human Resource Management |
MIS 250 | IS101 - Intro to Information Systems |
MIS 271 | ISLDELEC - Information System LD Elective |
MIS 325 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 350 | IS301 - Management Information Systems |
MIS 372 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 375 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 426 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 448 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 472 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 474 | ISUDELEC - Information System UD Elective |
MIS 498 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
MKTG 360 | MKT301 - Marketing Management |
MKTG 477 | MKTUDELEC - Marketing UD Elective |
MTH 200 | MATH132 - Finite Mathematics (IA) |
MUS 262 | MUSLDELEC - Music LD Elective |
MUS 432 | MUSUDELEC - Music UD Elective |
MVTST 199 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MVTST 262 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
MVTST 393, MVTST 484 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PE_ACTIVE 112 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PEACT 107 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 108 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 114 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 116 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 119 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
PEACT 141 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 143 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 152 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 153 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 154 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 171 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 242 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PEACT 251 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PHIL 101 | PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 201 | PHIL109 - Introduction to Formal Logic |
PHIL 365 | PHILUDELEC - Philosophy UD Elective |
PHYS 101 | PHYS151 - General Physics I |
PHYS 102 | PHYS152 - General Physics II |
PHYS 201, PHYS 202 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
PHYSICS 101 | PHYS151 - General Physics I |
POL_S 101 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
POLS 101 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
POLS 102 | PSC211 - Comp Gov & Politics |
POLS 103 | PSC231 - World Politics |
POLS 222 | PSCLDELEC - Political Science LD Elective |
POLS 300 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
POLS 305 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
POLS 316 | PSCUDELEC - Political Science UD Elective |
PSYCH 105 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PSYCH 198 | PSY101 - General Psychology |
PSYCH 210 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 220 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 230 | PSYLDELEC - Psychology LD Elective |
PSYCH 306 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 308 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 309 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 311 | PSY210 - Intro to Statistical Methods |
PSYCH 312 | PSY240 - Intro to Research Methods |
PSYCH 321 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 324 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 333 | PSY441R - Abnormal Psychology (IA) |
PSYCH 350 | PSY360 - Foundations of Social Psy |
PSYCH 361 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 384 | PSY305 - Foundations of Perception |
PSYCH 401 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 412 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 440 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 470 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 490 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 491 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
PSYCH 497 | PSYUDELEC - Psychology UD Elective |
SOC 101 | SOC101 - Principles of Sociology |
SOC 102 | SOC102 - Contemporary Social Issues |
SOC 350 | PSY360 - Foundations of Social Psy |
SOC 351 | SOC447 - Marriage and the Family |
SOC 356 | SOCUDELEC - Sociology UD Elective |
SPAN 101 | SPAN111 - Elementary Spanish I (IA) |
SPAN 102 | SPAN112 - Elementary Spanish II (IA) |
SPAN 203 | SPAN211 - Second Year Spanish I (IA) |
SPCOM 102 | COM101 - Oral Communication |
STAT 212 | TRCRLDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
T&L 301 | PSY307 - Principles of Educational Psyc |
T&L 306 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
T&L 330 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
T&L 352 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
T&L 371 | TRANELEC - Transfer Elective Course |
T&L 499 | TRCRUDELEC - General Transfer Credit |
THEAT 160 | THTR100 - Introduction to the Theatre |
UCOLLEGE 302 | TRCRNOTRAN - Non-Transferrable Credits |
UNIV 101 | CEPLDELEC - CEP LD Elective |
UNIV 295 | LDE201 - Intro to Leadership |
WOMEN_ST 384 | WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective |
WOMEN_ST 454 | WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective |
WST 200 | WMST101 - Intro to Women's Studies |
WST 316 | WMSTUDELEC - Women's Studies UD Elective |